Angie's Home Page

My Boys

My Boys Winter 02-03

Jake's Baby Photos

Jake 5-6 months

Jake Then and Now

Labrador Drawings

Grumpy76's Art and Custom Gallery

Happy Summer!
This site is just some additions to my ever growing site. I have a lot of fun building so many web pages. Hope you enjoy them as well. There are TONS of photos to look at here. I have a lot to update!!!
Newly Updated July 2003!
The Care Bears pictures on this and my other sites are a combination of pictures borrowed from friends, other sites, and some made by me. I am not claiming copywright or ownership of these pictures except for the ones in my art and custom pages. Therefore, please do not use them as part of your own collection. And if you wish me to give you a credit, or remove a picture, please politely email me, and I will be glad to oblige!!
This Site is being updated, so keep checking!!!

Please Be Patient if using Dial up.

All my pages are photo intense and may take a bit longer to load.

Thank you!

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