Angie's Carebear Creations

My Boys

My Boys Winter 02-03

Jake's Baby Photos

Jake 5-6 months

Jake Then and Now

Labrador Drawings

Grumpy76's Art and Custom Gallery


Custom Graphics and Care Bears Drawings
This page is specifically my creations. Some drawings and custom graphics that I have made.

Most of them are my ideas, but I have done some for others. Also I noticed after making some that others had already made similiar ones.

I am not trying to "copy" anyone else's work. So please don't think that if you see a bear with the same name or similiar symbol.

Some bears have 2 names because I haven't decided yet, if you have a good suggestions for these bears, let me know.

Enjoy!!! :)

America Cares Bear

Angel~Heart Bear

Circus Bear

Faithful Bear

Gramps Bear

Groovy Bear

Independence Bear

Irish Dreams Bear (Cuz I'm half Irish)

Peaceful Heart Bear

Prayer Bear (Made for Prayer Bear)

Promise Bear

Rockin' Bear (Made for "Rockin' Bear)

Scholar Bear

Stormy Heart or Storm Bear

Sweet Heart Bear (maybe Yum-Yum Bear)

Take Care Bear (original colors)

True Love Bear

Baby Hugs Bear

Bedtime Bear (My first cb drawing ever!)

Funshine Bear

Good Luck Bear

Would you beleive this is my favorite???

Tenderheart with a stay-pufft marshmallow head

HotWheels Bear (inspired by my Andrew)

"Retro" Carnival Bear

"New" Style Carnival Bear

Peaceful and Precious Heart Pandas

My most prized creation, Lava Heart Dragon (named by my Chris)

Paradise and Vacation

Baby Stormy Heart bear (no tummy symbol)


thanks for visiting my site!